Armenian Baby Name Generator

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Top 10 Armenian Baby Names List

Aramaic, an ancient Semitic language, has given us some of the most beautiful and meaningful names. These names have stood the test of time and continue to inspire parents around the world. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 Aramaic names and delve into the fascinating meanings behind them.

  1. Thomas
    Thomas is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “twin.” This name is famously associated with one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Thomas is often associated with qualities such as loyalty, honesty, and skepticism, making it a strong choice for any boy.

  2. Martha
    Martha is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “lady” or “mistress.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was a friend of Jesus Christ. Martha is often associated with qualities such as diligence, hospitality, and practicality, making it a reliable choice for any girl.

  3. Abram
    Abram is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “exalted father.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was later known as Abraham. Abram is often associated with qualities such as faith, obedience, and leadership, making it a venerable choice for any boy.

  4. Tabitha
    Tabitha is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “gazelle” or “beauty.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was known for her charitable works. Tabitha is often associated with qualities such as kindness, grace, and compassion, making it a lovely choice for any girl.

  5. Bartholomew
    Bartholomew is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “son of Talmai.” This name is associated with one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Bartholomew is often associated with qualities such as honesty, faithfulness, and courage, making it a steadfast choice for any boy.

  6. Magdalene
    Magdalene is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “from Magdala.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Magdalene is often associated with qualities such as loyalty, devotion, and repentance, making it a meaningful choice for any girl.

  7. Silas
    Silas is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “wood” or “forest.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was a companion of the apostle Paul. Silas is often associated with qualities such as faithfulness, courage, and wisdom, making it a solid choice for any boy.

  8. Joanna
    Joanna is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “God is gracious.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was one of the women who supported Jesus Christ. Joanna is often associated with qualities such as generosity, faith, and compassion, making it a graceful choice for any girl.

  9. Barnabas
    Barnabas is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “son of encouragement.” This name is associated with the biblical figure who was a companion of the apostle Paul. Barnabas is often associated with qualities such as encouragement, generosity, and kindness, making it an uplifting choice for any boy.

  10. Mara
    Mara is a name of Aramaic origin, meaning “bitter” or “sorrow.” Despite its somber meaning, this name is associated with the biblical figure who showed great strength in the face of adversity. Mara is often associated with qualities such as resilience, courage, and perseverance, making it a powerful choice for any girl.

Aramaic names have a rich history and profound meanings that continue to resonate with parents today. From names that honor biblical figures to those that reflect desirable qualities, the top 10 Aramaic names have timeless appeal. Whether you’re looking for a name that embodies strength, wisdom, or compassion, you’re sure to find the perfect choice among these beautiful Aramaic names.